Experiments in Cooking




I’ve been in a bit of a creative cooking slump, but that doesn’t mean its a full on cooking slump. Really, it just means other people’s recipes make it to my table instead of my own! Our pick for brownie recipe turned out delish. We […]

Creme Caramel in IP

Creme Caramel in IP

Edit: The post was published earlier without any text. Fixing it now! As summer break started, I found myself searching for easy, fun, and delicious recipes to get my son cooking. This certainly fit the bill! This milk (no heavy cream!) version called “caramel custard” […]

Chocolate Chip meringues

Chocolate Chip meringues

These were by far the easiest & most surprising dessert I’ve made. I’ll probably never make regular cookies again! This recipe is based on the Mint Chip Meringues featured in the book The Naptime Chef by Kelsey Banfield. I found the book in a library […]

Apple Fritter Cake

Apple Fritter Cake

My good friend R is an excellent cook, and an even better baker of desserts. I recently had this Apple Fritter Loaf Cake at her place, and had to recreate it. I’m happy to report that an inexperienced cake baker such as myself could also […]